Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Christian Minus Christ = IAN (I Am Nothing)

A Christian is one who has put on Christ and is in the body of Christ (Galatians 3:27; 1 Corinthians 12:13). For a Christian to remain in the proper fellowship of Christ, to be one with Christ, then the Christian must be righteous in God’s sight. That means that a Christian must read and obey ALL of God’s holy inspired Word. A Christian will be able to live a life holy (set apart) for God and then will be able to enjoy the wonderfulness of heaven in eternity. However, here’s the problem for many "so called" Christians. When a Christian is NOT living a dedicated, holy, sacrificial life for Jesus, then the "so called" Christian will be separated from Christ at the judgment day (1 Corinthians 5:10). Therefore, if a Christian is not in complete fellowship with Christ, then the Christian is one in name only. The "so called" Christian will find himself separated eternally from Christ at the judgment day leaving the “name only” Christian realizing that without Christ “I Am Nothing!

I have been preaching for 19 years and writing articles longer than that trying to get Christians to understand the absolute importance of living their lives truly devoted to serving God. That means that the Christian must let their light shine bright so others can see them living for God and that God will receive the glory because of it (Matthew 5:16). All Christians must be a good example before others. This is especially true among elders, deacons, and preachers as they are in a position of leadership. It is vitally important that leaders in the church be seen by other Christians as imitators of Christ. Unfortunately this is not happening in many cases today. Those looked to as leaders in local congregations are watching television shows and movies that are not appropriate. They, along with their family members are wearing clothing that is not modest – violating the very commandments of God that they are supposed to be living as an example to others. Without full compliance and obedience to God (being in fellowship with Him), then one must realize that “I Am Nothing” without Christ. Wearing the name of Christ is an honor and privilege. I am "something" only when I am in complete fellowship with Jesus. I have a sincere desire to be in heaven when my life ends on this earth – do you? If so, then we need to ensure that we are living a dedicated life for Christ and not mixing with those of the world (1 John 2:15-17).

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