No Room For Jesus
When Jesus was born into this world there was no room for Him in the Inn. He was born in a manger and in due course of time was unwanted and unappreciated by the majority of people. The world treated Jesus worse than they usually treated men they did not like or did not even know. It is said that the Son of man had nowhere to lay His head (Luke 9:58). The blessed Son of God who came to this earth to give life and to give it abundantly (John 10:10), was rejected and despised by men that had no compassion and pity toward Him. During the time of Christ, man had "no room" for Him in their life! But the story of Jesus did not end with His death on the cross. Nor did man’s rejection of Jesus dispose of Him. The story of Jesus continues to be told today through the gospel message of salvation, the blessings of God that are provided only through Jesus. There are many, many people today that do not have room for Jesus in their life even though they celebrate His birth.
Is There Room For Jesus Today?
Think about it. Does man really make the attempt today to make room for Jesus in their life? Do those individuals that operate the stores, markets, and offices even consider Him? Are they really interested in Jesus or the almighty dollar? Contrary to popular belief that business is business and religion is another matter, Christ and all of His ways belong in our manner of earning a living and conducting our business affairs. If Christ does not come first in our life, in all matters of our life, then it does us absolutely no good to remember Him just on one day per year. Business and religion must go hand in hand. Principles of truth, honesty, and the genuine concern for others are not only valid religiously but also in the business world.
What about in the Home? Is there room for Jesus in our home today? Do we take the time to worship Jesus even at home? Do we pray, sing songs, and read scripture? Many celebrate Christmas as a time of giving, love and family. Does Jesus have a place in our home that lacks love, kindness, and consideration 364 days out of the year? What about the home that has been totally wrecked by divorce and unfaithfulness to God’s duty and to each other? Do we make sure we include Jesus in our family finances? Do we only give to the Lord that which he has left me in my wallet when the plate is passed? Or do we purpose in our heart to give willingly and freely (2 Corinthians 9:7)? Is there room for Jesus in our time and activities? We will never be able to "grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ" (2 Peter 3:18), if we don’t allow Him room to live in our heart.
Does Jesus have a place in our heart? Before Jesus can have His place in the home and business world, He must have a place in each one of our hearts. The apostle Paul prayed: "that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; that you, being rooted and grounded in love, that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height--to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God" (Ephesians 3:17-19). Those that have never become Christians have not made room for Him. Those who walk unfaithfully have not made room for Jesus.
On this day many people will attend a church service somewhere to "celebrate" the birth of Jesus, that will not attend another service until this time next year. They will attend somewhere with their family and listen to the "special service celebration" in honor of our Lord, with no intent to really let Jesus come into their life on a daily basis from this day onward. How hypocritical! I would plead with you to not only let the Word of God touch your heart today, but each and every day that you live. Why not devote your life to Christ, give Him room in your heart, and look forward to the blessed hope of eternal salvation with Him. Many have rejected Jesus. Many have not had room for Jesus. But won’t you celebrate Christ every day and give Him room to rule your life as you strive to serve Him?
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