Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Dangers of Social Networks: Introduction

Recently, Mark Mayberry, a gospel preacher in Alvin, Texas wrote a sermon entitled “Dangers of Social Networks.” As a Christian and fellow preacher, I am very pleased with what he wrote concerning the various aspects of the social networks. Many of the things that he addresses, I too have written articles and preached on within the past year. I am going to use his material, word for word, along with the corresponding Bible passages in a series of posts beginning with this one. There will be a total of 5 postings to include today’s introduction. The next four posts will deal with improper expenditure of time, improper expression of speech, improper exhibition of the body, and improper encouragement of relationships.

Dangers of Social Networks: Introduction
            Through the widespread use of computers and smart-phones, we are able to communicate more easily today than ever before. Many Christians keep in touch with friends and family using Pleonast or Facebook. Others correspond via email, Twitter, IM (instant messaging) or SMS (text messaging). Some prefer to pick up the phone. A few of us still value face-to-face conversations.
            In recent years, social networks have exploded in popularity. With more than 500 million active users, Facebook is the most popular social networking site in the world. 50% of active users log on to Facebook in any given day. The average user has 130 friends. Collectively, people spend over 700 billion minutes per month on Facebook.
            Social networks have obvious benefits, keeping us in touch with friends, family, and fellow Christians. Technology can diminish the distance that sometimes separates us. However, we should also be mindful of certain dangers that come from the use of modern social networks.

Part 2: “Improper Expenditure of Time” (Next Posting)

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